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PhD in Political Science and Public Administration, N.K.U.A.,
Adjunct Instructor of the Hellenic Air Force Academy (Administrative Department),
Member of the Faculty of the Hellenic Open University

He studied at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration of the University of Athens (2007-2011) and attended the MSc ‘State and Public Policy’ at the same department, where he received his Master's degree in 2014, followed by his PhD thesis at the University of Athens entitled “The Name, the Responsibilities, the Number and the Order of Ministries in Greece: From the 'Ministeria' of 1822 to the Ministerial Structures of Today”, which he defended in 2019, obtaining his PhD degree with honors (unanimously).

His scientific interests include the governmental and administrative history of the modern Greek state, the organization of public administration, the design and implementation of public policies in contemporary governance, as well as the functioning of the Greek political and administrative system.

He teaches administrative science, organizational theory and public administration at the School of Social Sciences of the Hellenic Open University, at the Air Force Cadets School (Administrative direction), as well as at the School of Officers of the Hellenic Police. In the past, he has taught in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes at the University of Athens, including the MSc "Occupational, Environmental and Pharmaceutical Risk Assessment and Management" at the Medical School, as well as at the University of Thessaly and the Fire Brigade Academy. At the same time, since the academic year 2015-2016 until today, he has been involved in the teaching of the course "Administrative and Governmental History" (course code: 42953, lecturer Professor: Antonis Makridimitris) at the Department of "Political Science and Public Administration" of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

He is a member of the Hellenic Institute of Administrative Sciences. At the same time, he has participated as a researcher in relevant research (indicative are those entitled "Women and Public Administration" and "Dictionary of Administrative Terms"), as well as a lecturer in a number of international and national scientific conferences.

He has published papers in particular on issues relating to the organization and functioning of the Greek political-administrative system, as well as on issues of constitutional, administrative and governmental history.

He has published the books "Prime Ministerial Centralism: the Dominant Position of the Head of Government in our Political System" (Batsioula Publications, Athens 2014, 291 pp.) and "Between Centralization and Ministerial Inflationism: Aspects of the Administrative and Governmental History of the Modern Greek State. The 19th-21st Century (Papazisis Publications, Athens 2021, 1185 pp.). Finally, he participates in the coordination of the publication of the Journal Review of Administrative Science (Greek edition).